It’s Baton Rouge: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByStephanie Riegel

OUT TO LUNCH finds host Stephanie Riegel combining her hard news journalist skills and food writing background: conducting business over lunch. Baton Rouge has long had a storied history of politics being conducted over meals, now the Capital Region has an equivalent culinary home for business: Mansurs On The Boulevard. Each week Stephanie holds court over lunch at Mansurs and invites members of the Baton Rouge business community to join her. You can also hear the show on WRKF 89.3FM.

Senior Moments – Out to Lunch – It’s Baton Rouge

In just 10 years, America will cross an important demographic threshold: all of the country’s Baby Boomers will be 65 or older. This will expand the size of the nation’s elderly population so that 1 in every 5 adults will be retirement age. What are we doing to prepare for this? And, who’s looking ahead to the not-so-distant future to prepare us for the changes this shift will bring to our institutions, our economy and our way of life?

Matthew Rachelff 

Matthew Rachleff heads up a local branch of a national organization called Aging 2.0, a business connection and innovation platform for the aging and senior care sectors.  Founded in San Francisco, Aging 2.0 aims to spur aging-focused innovation through its 80 groups around the country  that promote collaboration and entrepreneurship.  

 Toni Phillips

Toni Philips is founder of One Up Fit, a local fitness program that seeks to educate and deliver fitness training in a playful atmosphere for seniors, and others. One Up Fit is particulalty focused on helping its clients gain critical skills to prevent falls and also to enjoy remaining vitally independent.  

Matthew Rachleff, Toni Phillips, Stephanie Riegel

Photos at Mansurs on the Boulevard by Karry Hosford