Since the beginning of time, we have turned to nature to find plants and roots and fungi to calm us or pep us up, help us perform better, or take us out of our bodies and minds to some other dimension. It’s an age old tradition that continues to the present day and has given us foods, beverages, remedies, supplements and, drugs around which entire industries have been built.
Randy Mire makes his living in one of those industries: medical marijuana.

Randy Mire, his Capitol Wellness Solutions dispenses marijuana for any medical ailment approved and prescribed by a doctor
Randy is a pharmacist and owner of Capitol Wellness Solutions. We had Randy on this show back in 2018, when the state’s medical marijuana industry was just getting started and Randy was the sole licensed pharmacist in the state to dispense medical marijuana.
Today, Capitol Wellness Solutions is one of 9 licensed pharmacies around the state that is selling medical marijuana, and state lawmakers in 2022 passed several measures to grow the size of the industry by allowing more licenses and more types of legal marijuana.
Randy had been a licensed pharmacist in Baton Rouge for a decade and already had a niche in specialty drugs before he decided to try selling medical marijuana.
Rachel Jackson also has a niche in Baton Rouge selling a plant-based product with what some might consider healing properties: tea! Rachel’s business, Adornleaf Tea, blends handmade organic herbal teas with inspired names like Goddess In Repose, Early Rise, and Mull It Over.

Rachel Jackson, Adornleaf Tea comes in a number of flavors hand blended for a specific mood alteration
Rachel was a visitor services coordinator at the Louisiana Arts and Sciences Museum, when she decided in 2018 to pursue her passion for tea by starting her own business. Rachel sources the leaves then blends them by hand and packages them to sell.

Stephanie Riegel, balancing tea and marijuana at Mansurs on the Boulevard on Out to Lunch
Out to Lunch is recorded live over lunch at Mansurs on the Boulevard. Photos by Erik Otts.