If you had to list two of the pillars of American existence you might choose Liberty & Justice. Or, maybe Equality & Opportunity. Well, how about Rent & Beef?
The pandemic has forced us to confront a number of economic issues that were due for examination. One of them is the rental market.

Rentcheck app creator, Marco Nelson
Even without the added stress of reduced pay or a lost job, renting can be a strained relationship, for both landlord and tenant. in 2019 Marco Nelson came up with an app called Rentcheck and it’s already in use in all 50 States.
If you’ve ever rented an apartment or an office, you’ll have gone through the usually upbeat experience of moving in… and the typically much more painful process of moving out, which is usually the argument over the security deposit. The tenant wants her total security deposit back. The landlord says he’s not giving it back because of the hole in the wall. The tenant swears it was like that when she moved in… You’ve no doubt been through something similar to this, as either a tenant or a landlord.
What Rentcheck does is walk you through a series of steps that documents and records a tenant’s move in, and move out. Both the tenant and landlord have a set of time-stamped photos that they sign off on. And that, simply and efficiently, does away with all those ugly disagreements.
Dr. Shannon Gonsulin’s family have been raising cattle in South Central Louisiana since 1770. No, that is not a typo. SEVENTEEN 70. But it wasn’t until 236 years later, in 2006, that Gonsulin Land & Cattle officially switched to producing fully grass-fed cows, with no hormones or processed grains.

Grass fed beef rancher and veterinarian, Dr. Shannon Gonsulin
Dr. Shannon Gonsulin comes from a family of ranchers. He’s also a veterinarian. Dr. Shannon (as everyone calls him) owns Bayou Teche Veterinary Clinic, in Breaux Bridge, and Atchafalya Animal Clinic in Morgan City.
Being a rancher of organic grass-fed beef and a vet is a great combo. Not because you don’t have to pay vet bills when a cow gets sick, but because when you produce beef that is guaranteed to be hormone-free and anti-biotic-free, cows don’t have the luxury of having a sick day. if they do they have to be removed from the herd and that severely impacts the farm’s bottom line. So Dr. Shannon is very involved with preventive medicine. If you can prevent a cow from having a single sick day its whole life, are there lessons for human medicine?
Photos by Jill Lafleur. More conversations about grass fed pork are here.