There aren’t many occasions to talk about fine art and movies in the same sentence. And you’d be forgiven for thinking there’s even less occasion to consider the financing of movies and fine art as having anything to do with each other. And that’s why we have lunch! So folks from what might seem to be disparate endeavors can talk and find out they actually have something in common.

Ann Connelly
Ann Connelly is a legend in the art world. Ann is founder and owner of Ann Connelly Fine Art where she is a curator, interior designer, and consultant to homeowners and businesses. Over the past 25 years, Ann has grown her business into a gallery that today carries the works of more than 40 creatives, and as a consultancy to some of the most prominent companies and institutions in Baton Rouge, that have hired Ann to hang art on their walls.

Jillian Hall
Jillian Hall is a documentary fiim maker. She also heads up the Baton Rouge operations of NOVAC, the oldest media arts nonprofit organization in the Gulf South. NOVAC was started in New Orleans in the early 1970s as a way to provide media training and production resources to underserved communities. Since 2013, the organization has had a presence in Baton Rouge, and in the years since has trained hundreds of people for creative industry jobs, developed original documentary content and created innovative youth media programs.
Fine art and movies might not have a lot in common in Hollywood or Paris, but they do here in Baton Rouge.

Stephanie Riegel
Out to Lunch is recorded over lunch at Mansurs on the Boulevard. More about Baton Rouge art here and movies here.