It’s Baton Rouge: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByStephanie Riegel

OUT TO LUNCH finds host Stephanie Riegel combining her hard news journalist skills and food writing background: conducting business over lunch. Baton Rouge has long had a storied history of politics being conducted over meals, now the Capital Region has an equivalent culinary home for business: Mansurs On The Boulevard. Each week Stephanie holds court over lunch at Mansurs and invites members of the Baton Rouge business community to join her. You can also hear the show on WRKF 89.3FM.

For Sale – Out to Lunch – It’s Baton Rouge

Andi Holliday is a professional home stager with a local firm called Stage Presence.

Andi Holliday

Andi’s been dubbed the “House Doctor,” writing out design prescriptions that can sell the unsellable. Her firm offers a range of services, from full staging to less expensive walk-through and written consultations, as well as “redesign” services – that’s where Andi uses the client’s existing furniture and décor to showcase a room’s focal points. Andi’s services can help sell a house that’s been on the market for a long time – in some cases, years – in a matter of days. 

Matthew Laborde

Matthew Laborde also knows a thing or two about selling real estate, though he deals with commercial properties, particularly in the Mid City area, which is rapidly becoming one of the hottest and hippiest neighborhoods in Baton Rouge. Matthew founded Elifin Realty in 2017. You could say Matthew is an overachiever and also something of a wunderkind. He was a full time licensed commercial broker by the time he was 19. He had earned certified commercial investment member designation by 23, he founded elifin at age 27, and he’s still not 30 yet!

Matthew Laborde, Stephanie Riegel, Andi Holliday

Photos at Mansurs On The Boulevard by Karry Hosford