It’s Baton Rouge: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByStephanie Riegel

OUT TO LUNCH finds host Stephanie Riegel combining her hard news journalist skills and food writing background: conducting business over lunch. Baton Rouge has long had a storied history of politics being conducted over meals, now the Capital Region has an equivalent culinary home for business: Mansurs On The Boulevard. Each week Stephanie holds court over lunch at Mansurs and invites members of the Baton Rouge business community to join her. You can also hear the show on WRKF 89.3FM.

Hello, My Name Is… – Out to Lunch – It’s Baton Rouge

We live in a world today where content is king, everyone can be an expert on the Internet, and building your own personal brand is the secret to success in our post-modern digital age. While all of that may be second nature to those who were born during the Clinton presidency, some of us need a little help.

kenny nguyen

That’s where Kenny Nguen and Big Fish Presentations comes in.

Kenny is President and CEO of Big Fish Presentations, a Baton Rouge firm run by four entrepreneurs of the Millennial generation who specialize in helping their clients tell better stories, make better videos, and give better speeches. Big Fish Presentations teaches the art of more effective self promotion. The guys at the company literally wrote the book on the subject, 

While there are all sorts of innovative new ways to present ideas, the art of good public speaking has been around a long time. Toastmasters International specializes in training people to be better public speakers. Toastermasters is a nonprofit organization run mostly by volunteers, who head up chapters all over the world and hold regular meetings where they coach and train anyone who’s interested how to be a more effective communicator in any number of settings.

rebecca arnett

Rebecca Arnett heads up the district 68 chapter of Toastmasters International, here in Baton Rouge. 

ashley monaghan

Ashley Monaghan is an LSU student  pursuing a major in public relations, with a minor in graphic design while she concurrently sings in popular local band Ship of Fools and runs her own brand development, social media, and marketing company, Ashley O’Neill Consulting.

kenny nguyen, stephanie riegel

hello, my name is...

Photos at Mansurs on the Boulevard by Ken Stewart